Working Conservationists are private land managers pioneering wildlife-friendly management in a productive countryside.

These conservation heroes have successfully integrated food production and recreation with the delivery of public goods including increased biodiversity, climate change mitigation and improvements in soil and water quality.

Though their work is often supported by agri-environment schemes, they volunteer additional funds and countless hours of their time to looking after UK wildlife. They come from a range of different backgrounds from across the UK, but all share a love of wildlife and the habitats they look after.

Their inspirational stories show that, given the right support, land managers are ideally placed to deliver vital biodiversity gains. They are committed for the long term, know intimately their bit of countryside and are experts in practical management. Nature reserves are important, but 75% of British land is farmed meaning farmer-led conservation represents the best hope for the restoration of our threatened wildlife.

As well as the land managers on the ground the individuals who support them should also be regarded as Working Conservationists. From community volunteers, to local bird ringers and the advisors who provide practical guidance to based on scientific research.

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